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Shabbos Schedule

~Mincha on Friday night will be at 7:00 PM beginning this week and throughout the summer IYH.
~Sponsorship for Shalosh Seudos is still available. If you are interested in sponsoring, please let us know.
Parshas Shmini

Erev Shabbos

Hadlakas Neiros: 7:18 PM (not before 6:14)

Mincha: 7:00 PM


Shachris: 9:00 AM, followed by Kiddush sponsored by Mr. and Mrs. Shaya Gamzon & Mr. and Mrs Yanky Gamzon Lezecher Nishmas their grandfather Avrahum Chaim Ben Mordechai Yitzchok
Rav’s Halacha Shiur: 6:40 PM

Mincha: 7:10 PM, followed by Shalosh Seudos (sponsorship available)

Maariv: 8:28 PM

Have a Great Shabbos!!!

Mincha Maariv During Week: 7:30 PM

Schedule, Eiruv Tavshilin Reminder!



Hadlakas Neiros: 7:11 PM
Mincha: 7:21 PM
Maariv: 7:45 PM

Seventh Day Pesach-Erev Shabbos

Shachris: 9:00 AM, followed by Kiddish
Sof Zman Kriah Shema: MA: 9:05 AM Gra: 9:41 AM
Hadlakas Neiros: 7:12
Mincha: 7:22
Kabals Shabbos & Maariv: Following Mincha

Eighth Day Pesach-Shabbos

Shachris: 9:00 AM, followed by Kiddish
Sof Zman Kriah Shema: MA: 9:04 AM Gra: 9:40 AM
Mincha: 7:05 PM, followed by Neilas Hachag/Shalosh Seudos sponsored by Mr. and Mrs. Reisman
Maariv: 8:21 PM

Have a Great Yom Tov!!!

Mincha Maariv during Week: 7:20 PM


~We are looking for someone to make a syum tom after 7:00 Shachris. If anyone is able to make a Siyum, please let us know. Thanks!
~Please see attachment of Pesach Schedule for Erev Pesach dumpster locations

Erev Pesach-Friday

Shachris:7:00 AM

Sof Zman Achilas Chometz: 10:27 AM

Beiur Chometz: 11:43 AM

Hadlakas Neiros: 7:04 PM

Mincha: 7:14 PM

Maariv: 7:45 PM

Chatzos: 12:59 AM

First Day Pesach-Shabbos

Shachris: 9:30 AM, followed by Kiddish

Mincha: 7:10 PM

Maariv: 7:55 PM

Hadlakas Neiros: 8:35 PM

Chatzos: 12:59 AM

Second Day Pesach-Sunday

Shachris: 9:30 AM, followed by Kiddish

Mincha: 7:15 PM

Maariv: 8:14 PM

Chol Hamoed

Shachris: 7:00 AM

Mincha Maariv: 7:15 PM

Maariv: 9:50 PM

Have a Great Yom Tov!!!

Pesach Schedule.docx

Shiur, Franky

~The Rav will not be giving any Shiurim this week and will resume with his Monday, Wednesday and Thursday Shiurim after Pesach IYH.

~Franky Tempeberg has transferred from Maimonides to Ditmas Park Rehab which is located on 21st and Ditmas (Room 317). Franky has BH had many visitors from the Shul so far. We would like to be sure that a day does not go by where he does not have at least one visitor. We would therefore like to coordinate that he has a least one visitor every day, So please let us know when you can what day(s) you can visit this week so we can be sure of that. Thanks! Tizku Limitzvos!!