I just wanted to share with you an amazing story. My youngest sister Miriam had a brain tumor some 12 years ago and had it removed in Montefiore Medical Center, Bronx NY. Baruch Hashem, she had a good recovery but needed subsequent surgeries due to the regrowth of the tumor. In march of this year, my sister Miriam was readmitted to Montefiore due to Septic shock. The infection was treated but something was terribly wrong. Miriam was not responding to commands and though she was opening her eyes did not seem to be aware of her surroundings or of anyone.
She was not able to process speech and much less speak. By mid-April it was confirmed that Miriam had had a stroke secondary to the septic shock. End of April Miriam was transferred to sea view Rehabilitation center in Staten Island. My oldest sister Edes had a conference with the doctors from Montefiore Medical Center. They apologized for not having better news, but they said that the reality was that Miriam would never speak again and much less recover from her stroke. They recommended that Miriam be sent home because it was pretty hopeless. My sister was sobbing, as she told me the dire news, not able to control herself. All of us were in shock that Shabbat.
On Shabbat, May 1, 2015, I was in Rabbi Mendelsohn’s Shul, KMP , Brooklyn, NY. and though I was extremely depressed. I was enjoying Rabbi Paysach J. Krohn’s Shiur and words of Chizuk. I heard him speak about one of the kidnapped boys , Naftali who never missed a day in his life without putting on tefillin. He said that his name naftali had the same letters as tefillin. So his name gave him the power to be strong in that mitzvah. He also said that his own name Paysach Yosef also gave him some power because the names mean. the mouth speaks more. There fore he speaks a lot.
Inspired by Rabbi Krohn’s speech I started to investigate if somehow adding a name to my sister could help her to speak again. I consulted various Rebbeyim including Rabbi Boruch Mendelsohn, Rabbi Herschel Kurzrock, and Rabbi Maimon Badush.. Any way to make the long story short.
It was decided that it was worth a shot and the best name to add was Devorah since it is derived from the word dibbur which means speech in hebrew. Rabbi Kurzrock and Rabbi Badush added the name Devorah. So now her name is Devorah Miriam Bat Rachel.
It was absolutely amazing that a few days after the addition, Devorah Miriam was already understanding speech and speaking. Please continue to pray for Devorah Miriam Bat Rachel that she will continue to heal Beezrat Hashem.
Dr. Tzvi Fastag