Mazel Tov to Dr. and Mrs. Zev Zelman upon the birth of a boy. They invite everyone to a Shalom Zachor tonight at 1649 East 28th Street (bet. P and Quentin) after 8:30. May we continue to only share in Simchas!
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Shabbos Schedule
~Sponsorship for Shalosh Seudos is still available. If you would like to sponsor, please let us know.
~Sponsorship for Breakfast for Rabbi Meisels Shiur Sunday morning is still available. If you would like to sponsor, please let us know.
~Just a reminder that there is now late Shabbos minyan in addition to early Shabbos.
Parshas Emor
Erev Shabbos
Hadlakas Neiros: 7:40 PM (not before 6:30)
1st Mincha: 7:00 PM
2nd Mincha: 7:50 PM
Shachris: 9:00 AM, followed by Kiddush sponsored by: Mr. and Mrs. Shua Statman Lezecher Nishamas Mrs. Statman’s grandmother Chaya Zlata Bas Shaul
Mr. and Mrs. Doni Cohen Lezecher Nishmas Mrs. Cohen’s Father Tzvi Ben Nachman
Mr. and Mrs. Yoel Sontag in honor of the naming of their daughter IYH this Shabbos
Rav’s Halacha Shiur: 7:00 PM
Mincha: 7:30 PM, followed by Shalosh Seudos (sponsorship available)
Maariv: 8:50 PM
Have a Great Shabbos!!!
Schedule for this week
Shachris: Sunday: 8:30 AM Mon-Fri: 7:00 AM
Mincha Maariv: 7:50 PM
Maariv: 9:50 PM
Rav’s Shiur: 9:00 PM, Mon. Wed. & Thurs.
Rabbi Meisels Shiur: Sunday, 9:30 AM-10:15 AM (Breakfast Served)
Mazel Tov!!!
Mazel Tov to Mr. and Mrs. Yoel Sontag upon the birth of a girl!!! May we continue to only share in Simchas!!!
The Rav will NOT be giving Shiur tonight. The Rav will resume giving Shiur Wednesday night IYH at 9:00
“This shabbos” – scholar in residence Rabbi Paysach Krohn in Marine Park
Shlosh Seudos
Shalosh Seudos is sponsored by Mr. and Mrs. Yaakov Wolf:
1) Leilui Nishmas Mr. Wolf’s mother Rivka Bas Harav Yerucham Fishel
2) In honor of Yehuda Wolf finishing Mesechtas Shabbos.
Late Shabbos, Shabbos Schedule
~Beginning this week there will be a late Shabbos in addition to the early Shabbos. This week the second Mincha will be at 7:45 PM
~Sponsorship for Breakfast for Rabbi Meisels Shiur for this Sunday morning is still available. If you would like to sponsor, please let us know. Thanks!
Parshas Acharei Mos – Kiddoshim
Erev Shabbos
Hadlakas Neiros: 7:33 PM (not before 6:25)
1st Mincha: 7:00 PM
2nd Mincha: 7:45 PM
Shachris: 9:00 AM, followed by Kiddush sponsored by Frankie Tempelberg as as Hakaroas Hatov to the Rav and to all fellow Mispallim
Rav’s Halacha Shiur: 6:55 PM
Mincha: 7:25 PM, followed by Shalosh Seudos (sponsorship available)
Maariv: 8:43 PM
Have a Great Shabbos!!!
Schedule for this week
Shachris: Sunday: 8:30 AM Mon-Fri: 7:00 AM
Mincha Maariv: 7:45 PM
Maariv: 9:50 PM
Rav’s Shiur: 9:00 PM, Mon. Wed. & Thurs.
Rabbi Meisels Shiur: Sunday, 9:30 AM-10:15 AM (Breakfast Served)
Shabbos Schedule
~Sponsorship for Shalosh Seuodos is still available. If you are interested in sponsoring, please let us know.
~Just a reminder that Rabbi Meisels Shiur on Choshen Mishpot this Sunday and every Sunday going forward will IYH be from 9:30-10:15 AM. If you would like to sponsor breakfast for this Sunday mornings Shiur, please let us know.
Parshas Tazriah Metzorah
Erev Shabbos
Hadlakas Neiros: 7:26 PM (not before 6:19)
Mincha: 7:00 PM
Shachris: 9:00 AM, followed by Kiddush sponsored by Mr. and Mrs. Ari Rothman in honor of Frankie Templeberg being back this Shabbos and
Mr. and Mrs. Asher Salzberg and Mr. and Mrs. Yitzi Langer Lezecher Nishmas their grandmother Sarah Bas Hachavar Avrahum
Rav’s Halacha Shiur: 6:45 PM
Mincha: 7:15 PM, followed by Shalosh Seudos (sponsorship available)
Maariv: 8:36 PM
Have a Great Shabbos!!!
Schedule for this week
Shachris: Sunday: 8:30 AM Mon-Fri: 7:00 AM
Mincha Maariv: 7:40 PM
Maariv: 9:50 PM
Rav’s Shiur: 9:00 PM, Mon. Wed. & Thurs.
Rabbi Meisels Shiur: Sunday, 9:30 AM-10:15 AM (Breakfast Served)
Parnas, Gemarahs
~Sponsorship for Parnas hachodesh for the month of Iyar is still available. if you would like to sponsor part or the entire Parnas Hachodesh for the month of Iyar, please let us know.
~There are a number of Artscroll Gemarahs that have been borrowed from the Shul and not returned. If you have any in your home, please return it to the Shul. Thanks!
Beis Medrash Makarov
3118 Quentin Road
Sunday Shiur
The Shul is proud to announce that we will have the Zechus of having Dayin Meisels give a Shiur Sunday mornings beginning this week. The Shiur will be on Shulchan Aruch- Business in Halacha. Shachris will be at 8:30 AM followed by breakfast, and the Shiur will take place from 9:30-10:15. This week, Sunday is Rosh Chodesh and the Shiur will begin at 9:45 AM (till 10:30).
We would like to thank Mr. and Mrs. Naftali Zanziper who have helped in getting the Shiur started by sponsoring our Chasheva speaker for the first five weeks of the Shiur.
Every week, we will be looking for sponsor for breakfast before the Shiur. If you would like to sponsor breakfast this for this coming Sundays Shiur IYH, please let us know. (sponsorship is $125). Thanks!
All are encouraged to attend as many Shailos we might face on a daily basis as it relates to business will be discussed.