To my dear friends and fellow mispallelim. I wanted to follow up on Shea Rubinstein’s appeal yesterday for the pre-Pesach food packaging and delivery program that the JCC has conducted in the past and will imy’h be conducting again this year on March 29th at 3311 Avenue S in the Marine Park Jewish Center. This is a great time of year to get involved in an outstanding organization. In addition to the social services, family counseling, day care, financial aid and a multitude of other community beneficial services the JCC of Marine Park provides, each year the JCC spearheads a wonderful program in which less fortunate frum families in the community, who are struggling financially, are provided with the means to make Pesach and provide a respectable yom tov for their children and loved ones. As the Rav mentioned, this is perhaps the most important appeal of the year that is made in the shul.
To those of you who came over to me since yesterday’s appeal expressing interest in a financial donation and/or a donation of your time, I thank you. Attached hereto you will find a flier with the pertinent information relating to this amazing program and opportunity to perform a fantastic mitzvah. If you were not involved in previous years, please feel free to speak to myself or any of the other previous years’ volunteers to get a better understanding of what is involved. There is a deep sense of satisfaction in participating in this program. After meeting some of the recipients of these food packages, volunteers usually walk-away feeling accomplished and knowing that what they did has had a huge impact on a less fortunate family in the community.
Donations are of course welcome from those who volunteer to package and deliver but for those of you who are unable to donate your time, please feel free to give a check made payable to JCCMP to the Rav, myself or to Shea Rubinstein or you can donate online via
I hope you will join me in making this Pesach a wonderful and respectable yom tov for those less fortunate.
Thank you in advance for your continued support.
Akiva Herskowitz