Mazel Tov to Mr and Mrs Shloime Greenstein upon the birth of a baby boy! May we continue to only share in Simchas!
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Tuesday Night B’iyun Shiur will iyh resume NEXT Tuesday.
Tonight’s shiur is canceled for tonight.
Freilichin Chanukah
Reminder – Shul mailing list update
Hi all,
Reminder to all those who have not yet responded/filled out the form in the link below please do so at your earliest convenience.
Thank you to all those who have already done so.
Please Help
Dear Fellow Mispallelim
Last week Flatbush lost a young Talmud Chacham, Reb Ahron Shain Z”L after a short illness leaving behind a young Almana of only 23 years old and his two adorable little girls, Sara Leah 2 and Chava Yehudis only 5 months old.
R’ Aharon who was learning in the Derech Chaim Kollel for the last 5 years is an alumni if Mirrer Yeshiva and is the son of Reb Dovid Shain who was a longtime second grade rebbi in Mirrer Yeshiva. His wife Kayla Meira is the daughter of Reb Avrohom Weisberger a Talmud Chacham from Kensington.
Under the guidance of Rabbi Rennert of Derech Chaim and Rabbi Treff from Yeshiva Yesodei Hatorah of Lakewood a Keren has been established for the Almana and Yesomos to cover major life expenses such as tuition, seminary, weddings etc.
Due to an underlying condition he was not able to get life insurance.
As an Achrayus of Klal Yisroel in general but even more so the Flatbush community, our shul has joined the Rayze It campaign with hopes to give these Yesomos a chance of normalcy in their days and years ahead.
If you would like to donate by check please make it payable to Zichron Eliyahu and I can collect it from you. Please see our Shul link below to help us reach our goal as a Shul to help. Thank you an Tizku Limtzvos!
Here’s your link.
~We are still in need of a sponsor for Salosh Seudos this week ($150)..Please let us know if you would like to sponsor. Thanks!
~The Rav will not be giving a Orach Hachaim Shiur this week
Erev Shabbos
Hadlakas Neiros: 4:12 PM
Mincha: 4:22 PM
Daf Yomi: 8:00 PM
Reminder to Repeat Shema
Rav’s Tefillah Shiur: 8:45 AM
Shachris: 9:00 AM, followed by Kiddush sponsored by Mr and Mrs Ezar Parov in honor of the Bar Mitzvah of their son
Sof Zman Kriah Shema: MA: 8:43 AM Gra: 9:19 AM
Mincha: 4:05 PM followed by Shalosh Seudos sponsored anonymously in honor of Chaim and Esty Katz
Maariv: 5:21 PM
Avos Ubanim: 6:30 PM sponsored by Mr and Mrs Azriel Konstam
Schedule During Week
Sunday: 7:45 and 8:30 AM
Monday-Friday 6:15 AM, 7:00 AM, and 8:00 AM
Mincha Maariv: 4:20 PM
Maariv: 8:15 PM and 9:30 PM
Sponsorship Needed
We are still in need of a sponsor for SHalosh Seudos this week ($150)..Please let us know if you would like to sponsor. Thanks!
Shul Mailing list update
Hi all,
The Shul is in the process of updating our mailing list. If everyone could please fill out the form through the link below we would greatly appreciate it.
Thank you in advance.
Shachris tomorrow will be a Sunday schedule, 7:45 and 8:30
Shachris on Friday will be at 7:00 and 8:00. There will be no 6:15 Shachris on Friday
We continue our B’iyun Shiur at 9:45pm given by R’ Yechiel Charlap.
After much success at last week’s debut shiur on hadlakas neiros chanukah, we continue tonight a new sugya and strongly encourage you to try it out.
Maariv 9:30pm
B’iyun Shiur 9:45pm