~Due to the late hour, there will not be a kids Mesiba following the megillah this year
Taanis Esther
1st Shachris: 7:00 AM
2nd Shachris: 8:00AM
Mincha: 6:40 PM
Maariv: 7:38 (repeat Shema)
Megillah: 7:50 PM
2nd Megillah for Woman: 20 minutes after first megillah ends
Men’s Shul Purim Mesiba: 10:00 PM
1st Shachris:6:35AM
Neitz: 7:06 AM
2nd Shachris: 8:15 PM
Megilah: 8:45 AM (approx)
The Rav will be home all day. The Rav and Rebitzen invite everyone to their home following your Seuda, 1521 East 31stStreet (bet Kings Highway and P)