Erev Shabbos
Hadlakas Neiros: 7:17 PM (not before 6:13 PM)
1st Mincha: 6:15 PM
2nd Mincha: 7:00 PM
3rd Mincha: 7:27 PM
Reminder to Repeat Shema
Shachris: 9:00 AM, followed by Kiddush sponsored by Mr and Mrs Shlomo Friedman Lezecher Nishmas Rav moshe yecheil ben naphtali and by the Konstam and Zelman families in honor of recent Hachnosos Sefer Torah in memory of all their grandparents and Hamekubal Reb Zevulin Hamburger as well upcoming yartzheit of Mindel bas avrahom abah.
Sof Zman Kriah Shema: MA: 9:01 AM
Gra: 9:37 AM
Mincha: 7:10 PM followed by shalosh Saudos
Maariv: 8:24 PM
Selling seats: 12:15 AM
Slichos: 12:57 AM
Schedule During Week
Sunday: 7:45 AM and 8:30 AM
Monday-Friday 7:00 AM and 8:00 AM
Mincha Maariv: 7:20 PM