Elegant Rooftop Event To Benefit Pe’er HaTorah
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We would like to cordially invite you to join us for
A Rooftop BenefitA relaxing and elegant evening hosted on an
outdoor rooftop to benefit Yeshiva Pe’er HaTorah
Celebrating 21 years of OUR LIVES
Tuesday July 13, 2021
3512 Quentin Road Brooklyn, NY 11234
Hot Fleishig Buffet Dinner | 7PMElegant Buffet will be served by Meir Whiteman
Siyum by the Rosh HaYeshiva Shlit’a
Event Chairmen
Akiva Eisenstadt, David Fleischmann, Moshe Muller, Naftali ZanziperBenefit Hosts
Menachem Braunstein, Yechiel Frisch, Shimon Ganz, Yumi Gross, Tzali Gutman, Avi Jotkowitz, Elly Lesser, Dr. Abish Mendel, Shaya Samet, Avromi Schonfeld, Mordechai Schonfeld, Simcha Schonfeld, Sam Weinstein, Moishe Wieder, Shmaya WiesnerEvent space sponsored in memory of
Ruchama Chaya Bas R’ Dov PinchuPlease visit PeerHaTorah.org for more
information and donation opportunities.
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Peer Hatorah · 11501 85th Ave · Richmond Hill, NY 11418-1710 · USA